Friday, August 22, 2008

The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: Middle and Eastern Black Sea Region

The Traditional Cheeses of Turkey: Middle and Eastern Black Sea Region
Authors: Ufuk Kamber a; Goknur Terzi b
Affiliations: a Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, Kars, Turkey | b Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 19 Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey | DOI: 10.1080/87559120701764555
journal Food Reviews International, Volume 24, Issue 1 January 2008 , pages 95 - 118

Abstract: Our research in the Black Sea Region revealed 34 distinct types of cheese, making it the richest region in Turkey for its types of cheese. These types of cheese are: Aho Cheese, Ayran Cheese, Ayran Kırması Cheese, Civil Cheese, Cokelek of Cabaltı Cheese, Eridik Cheese, Giresun Bitter Cheese, Gorcola Cheese, Imansiz Cheese, Kadina Cheese, Kargı Tulum Cheese, Karın Kaymagı Cheese, Kescedil Cheese, Kolete Cheese, Kuumllek Cheese, Kup Cokelek Cheese, Kurci Cheese, Minzi Cheese, Minzi Kurut Cheese, Ogma Cheese, Tonya Kashar Cheese, Broken Kashar with Lor Cheese, Sor Cheese, Sut Kırması Cheese, Tekne Cheese, Teleme Cheese, Telli Cheese, Telli Creamy Cheese, Tulum Kashar Cheese, Yayla Cheese, Yer Cheese, Yumme Cheese, and Yusufeli Molded Villagers Cheese. This publication covers the making, physical structure and appearance of local cheeses and the chemical and microbiological properties of some of the cheeses.

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